Changing the world with high pressure technology

What we offer

Quintus Technologies is the global leader in high pressure technology. The company designs, manufactures, installs, and supports high pressure systems in three main areas: densification of advanced materials; sheet metal forming; and high pressure processing for food and beverage innovation, safety, and shelf life. ​

Material Densification

Enhance or change characteristics of a material.

Food Processing

The Natural way to preserve foods and beverages.

Sheet Metal Forming

A low-cost sheet metal forming process.



Consumer Electronics


Energy & storage

Food and Beverage

Medical implants and tools

Service Providers



Customer stories

Customer Stories

Paragon Medical elevates their medical device AM manufacturing with Quintus® Care and Quintus Purus®

Customer Stories

Saab Dynamics and PartnerTech Karlskoga secure continuous production with Quintus Cold Isostatic Pressing System upgrade

Customer Stories

Quintus helps Trestad Laser expand market and improve productivity

Customer Stories

Piper offers its efficient high-pressure capacity with the help of Quintus Flexform Fluid Cell Presses

Customer Stories

View our customer conversation with Burloak Technologies

Customer stories

PM-AM cylinder demo part
Customer Stories

Paragon Medical elevates their medical device AM manufacturing with Quintus® Care and Quintus Purus®

Customer Stories

Saab Dynamics and PartnerTech Karlskoga secure continuous production with Quintus Cold Isostatic Pressing System upgrade

Trestad Laser Customer Story with Quintus
Customer Stories

Quintus helps Trestad Laser expand market and improve productivity

Customer Stories

Piper offers its efficient high-pressure capacity with the help of Quintus Flexform Fluid Cell Presses

View our customer conversation with Burloak Technologies
Customer Stories

View our customer conversation with Burloak Technologies

Read more about Premium AEROTEC and their upgrade
Customer Stories

Read more about Premium AEROTEC and their upgrade

Watch the video with Doug Puerta, CEO of Stack Metallurgical Group
Customer Stories

Watch the video with Doug Puerta, CEO of Stack Metallurgical Group

Discover what led Pres-X to Hot Isostatic Pressing and Additive Manufacturing.
Customer Stories

Discover what led Pres-X to Hot Isostatic Pressing and Additive Manufacturing

Find out how HT-MX uses their modern Quintus QIH48
Customer Stories

Find out how HT-MX uses their modern Quintus QIH48

Discover how Flexform fits ITP Aero
Customer Stories

Discover how Flexform fits ITP Aero

Listen to Accurate Brazing and their biggest challenges
Customer Stories

Listen to Aalberts Surface Technologies and their biggest challenges

Find out how Paulo use their modern Quintus QIH122
Customer Stories

Find out how Paulo use their modern Quintus QIH122

Find out why Quintus Fluid Cell Presses is the heart of Jobro Sheet Metal Technology´s production line.
Customer Stories

Find out why Quintus Fluid Cell Presses is the heart of Jobro Sheet Metal Technology´s production line

Discover how Sauber Engineering use hot isostatic pressing
Customer Stories

Discover how Sauber Engineering use hot isostatic pressing

Ford Motor Company have successfully operated a 93,000 ton Quintus Flexform press
Customer Stories

Ford Motor Company have successfully operated a 93,000 ton Quintus Flexform press

Airbus Defence and Space decided to upgrade a Flexform Fluid Cell Press
Customer Stories

Airbus Defence and Space decided to upgrade a Flexform Fluid Cell Press

Quintus Care Program - Jobro Sheet Metal Technology
Customer Stories

Quintus Care Program – Jobro Sheet Metal Technology

Plansee Metall GmbH takes an idea from concept to reality with Quintus Technologies
Customer Stories

Plansee Metall GmbH takes an idea from concept to reality with Quintus Technologies

Hot Isostatic Processing Company
Customer Stories

Hot Isostatic Processing Company

Sintavia, LLC, Additive Manufacturing Center Unleashes Power of Quintus High Pressure Heat Treatment.
Customer Stories

Sintavia, LLC, Additive Manufacturing Center unleashes power of Quintus High Pressure Heat Treatment

Latest news

Knowledge Center

White paper

Transforming heavy manufacturing with large-scale PM-HIP

PM-AM cylinder demo part
Customer Stories

Paragon Medical elevates their medical device AM manufacturing with Quintus® Care and Quintus Purus®

The Quintus Care Program - Partnership for life

The Quintus® Care Program – Partnership for life

Isostatic pression solutions for scalable, cost-effective solid-state battery (SSB) production
White paper

Throughput and cost analysis of solid-state battery production


QIH 200 URC® – the largest HIP with full HPHT™ capability

White paper

Benefits of using HIP for additively manufactured thin-walled, high-performance heat exchangers

White paper

Transforming heavy manufacturing with large-scale PM-HIP

PM-AM cylinder demo part
Customer Stories

Paragon Medical elevates their medical device AM manufacturing with Quintus® Care and Quintus Purus®

The Quintus Care Program - Partnership for life

The Quintus® Care Program – Partnership for life

Isostatic pression solutions for scalable, cost-effective solid-state battery (SSB) production
White paper

Throughput and cost analysis of solid-state battery production


QIH 200 URC® – the largest HIP with full HPHT™ capability

White paper

Benefits of using HIP for additively manufactured thin-walled, high-performance heat exchangers